Thursday 30 December 2010

Love and other Drugs

I was genuinely surprised by this movie, in a good way. I was just gonna go see it because it has Anne Hathaway - and well she's hot - especially if she has even more nude scenes in this film than she had in Havoc. But seriously, this is a beautifully orchestrated and heartfelt and funny romance and right up there with movies like Sweet November.
In terms of plot not many surprises: A guy, good with the ladies, finds his match in a girl, gets rejected. She, sick, is looking for a casual thing. He starts to have feelings for her, of course in the beginning completely unaware that it's love, and she pulls away. He tells her he loves her. She feels pushed and ends the relationship. He feels miserable, but so does she. Then they run into each other again and the love is still there, but they part ways once again. He goes through old videos of the two of them, realizes she's the one, and in one final grand gesture drives to her workplace, she's on a bus trip, so he drive like mad to catch up with the bus, convinces her to listen to him one last time, and they finally make up. He gives up his career to spend the rest of his life with her and they live happily ever after. So far so good. 
But what makes this movie special is how well Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal work together as a screen couple - funny, but cheaky, seemingly effortless and natural, but with depths and character - it's simply mesmerizing. This romance movie is perfectly orchestrated, hitting all the right notes at the right time. This is one for the books. The perfect film to enjoy with your girl.

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