Tuesday 28 December 2010

Give me an H. Give me an E . . . ah, screw it. Hellcats, baby.

So I started watching Hellcats just recently. Not my first choice in terms of plots, but let's see if it gets better. But who cares? It's Aly Michalka, Ashley Tisdale, Heather Hemmens, and Sharon Leal in cheerleding outfits . . . and sometimes less, hehe. I could spend hours looking at those hotties and never get tired of it. Plus it's not high school, but university level. Finally those actors in their mid twenties don't have to pretend they are ten years younger then they really are. Plus, much more relatable for me in terms of age and topics. And finally we know what chief Tyrol is doing now that Battlestar's over. Keep those episodes coming.

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